Sean Continues Learning at Columbia University
As Semester XII begins their second week in snowy Idaho, Alzar School founder and Head of School, Sean Bierle, is in New York City taking part of the Klingenstein Heads of School Program at the Teacher’s College of Columbia University.

Founded in 1977, this program is the premier graduate level program for leaders in independent and international schools. The Klingenstein Heads of School Program is a fully-funded fellowship offering leaders in independent schools the chance to step back from the daily management of running their school and reflect upon educational philosophy, ethics, and practice.
In the Alzar School’s sixth year of running semesters, it is a testament to the program and our place in defining what education could be that our Head of School be accepted to the Klingenstein Heads of School Program and recognized as one of the top educators in independent school leadership. Please join us in congratulating and commending Sean.