Importance of Recharging and Rest
After two weeks in the backcountry, nothing sounds nicer than a warm shower. We made it back from our wonderful adventures and took two days to rest and recharge before jumping back into classes today. We planned very few activities as everyone used their time to wash clothes, catch up with family and friends and prepare for the academic week ahead. Students used this time to reflect on the many memories and friendships they made in the last couple of weeks. Out on expeditions, students found themselves in one of the biggest wilderness areas in the country, persevered through wet weather and delighted in the beauty that surrounded them. Students reflected yesterday on how much they learned about themselves on expedition. They shared how they realized their strengths as leaders and, just like many who spend significant time in the backcountry, they learned how tough and capable they really are. They learned the responsibility of being in charge of their own shelter, comfort and the importance of fulfilling their role as team members in an expedition setting. There is no better or quicker feedback than the unbiased feedback of mother nature.

We witnessed fall come and pass as we hiked and rafted through the Idaho mountains and with our arrival back to campus, winter seems to be right on our heels. The fireweed bushes are popping rustic oranges and reds while the aspen trees are turning yellow. The tops of the peaks that surround Long Valley are dusted in white and we are splitting wood and familiarizing ourselves with our wood stoves so we can stay warm and cozy as the temperature drops.
The reunion of students after two weeks apart was a special one. It is always amazing to see the bonds students make with their classmates in such a short time here, and returning to those friendships after such a growth-oriented experience brings us all back home to Alzar School. It is incredible to see the level of confidence students gained in their time away and watch them take ownership of their community culture here on campus with new fervor. This time of relaxation and recharging is so important for our bodies and minds to absorb the transformative experiences we just underwent and to prepare for the information coming our way in the classroom. As we prepare for classes, students reacquaint themselves with the topics they pushed pause on to frolic in the wilderness and prepare excitedly for Parents Weekend in just over a week!